Writing Exercises

All posts tagged Writing Exercises

A Thought For You

Published October 5, 2013 by M E McMahon


Due to an unexpected hospital stay, my writing had come to a virtual halt.  My creative juices were being hampered by chemically induced thought processes.  In other words, I’ve been half loaded on painkillers and unable to string very many intelligent thoughts together.

To the followers of this site, I apologize for the silence…but my absence should be ending soon as I am now out of pain and painkillers!  For today, the most I can do is leave you with the motivational picture above and a reminder that writers must write…whether it be one sentence…three paragraphs…or a couple of chapters.  The written word or words are the key to open that heavy door of success. I am most anxious to get back to my serious writing and to continue sharing my journey with you.

My “Paying It Forward” series will resume on Wednesday, October 9, and I hope you’ll drop in for a visit.  In the meantime, write…write…write!

Yours in writing,


When Silence Is Golden

Published July 16, 2013 by M E McMahon

image quiet

I get up early..very early.  Sometimes, dawn will be hours away, but I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down at my laptop.  This is when I do my best writing, when the house is silent and I can only hear the voice of my muse.

I treasure those hours, for it is when I do my best work.  It is when I can write my most poignant and soulful pieces.  In the quiet of the early hours, I am free to dig deep and pull out emotions that I don’t let others see.

I know that many writers feel inspired when they play music while they write.  I’ve tried, but I just can’t do it.  I love music, of all kinds, but not when I’m trying to get those feelings into words.  For that, I need silence. I need the private time, time I can spend with my words, examine them and make sure they are honest and true.

Once the sun rises, and my responsibilities start, my creative juices switch into a different mode.  Everyday noise makes it impossible for me to dig deep for those emotions so I switch to pieces that don’t require laying my soul bare.  They are lighter, less emotional and easier to write.

But, when I want to write a piece that comes from my deepest caverns of my heart, I must have quiet.  I must have privacy.  I must listen to my heart.

This is the time when silence is golden.

Looking For Prompts!

Published July 2, 2013 by M E McMahon

daffyHi there!  Does your site sponsor Prompt Challenges?  If it does, I’m looking for you!

Hey, sometimes we all do it.  We stare at the blank screen and we freeze.  Our muse has left the building, stranding us and leaving us with absolutely no ideas to write about.

“We must have something to inspire us!” We cry out!  We are writers, poets, bloggers and shutterbugs that feel empty unless we are writing or snapping those inspirational pictures.  What can we do?

The Daily Post offers one or two writing Prompts a day to help motivate us to get out those written words or take that perfect picture.  But, sometimes, the prompt still leaves us empty…we don’t relate to it…we need more inspiration.  Where else can we look for that one sentence or idea that sparks our imagination and reignites the challenge of writing or photography.

I have found that there are bloggers out there, and perhaps you’re one of them, who are gracious enough to provide prompt challenges and I love them for it.  Those prompts have supplied the inspiration for some of my best stories and some of my most viewed posts on my personal site.   They are gold to me and I want to include these sites and a link to them on a new page I’m developing for this blog site.

If you have a site that does have daily, weekly, or any regular posting of Prompt Challenges…please let me know so I can put in the site and the link on the new page.  I will also reblog the posts with the Prompt Challenge from my personal site (over 600 followers and growing daily) so that your posts will get more views and responses to the challenge!

Just leave me a message in the comment section here and I’ll include your site.  Please be sure to give me the frequency the prompts are posted and if there is a deadline or if they are open response times.

You provide a valuable tool to us here on WordPress and I just want to spread the word about these Prompt Challenges.  So, let me know as soon as possible since I hope to have the Prompt Page up and running in the next week or so.

Yours In Writing,